Those who are different,
earn more money.

Our approach: not selling on price in commodity markets. But through the experience.

Our B2B platform offers you a real USP in highly dynamic, high-volume commodity markets such as banking, energy, insurance, telecommunications or retail - whether customized and individual or as a proven pre-built solution, but never business as usual. Your product, service or transaction will be exceptional, clearly set itself apart from the competition and thus open up new revenue opportunities for you.

These industry giants have successfully integrated our value-added solutions:

Products that differentiate. Customers who stay.
Earnings that convince.

As your value-added partner, we take on the challenge of turning every interaction between your company and your end customers into an opportunity for growth and connection. We use high-end marketing tools and in-depth data analysis to develop the exact value-added service that is industry-specific and locally tailored to your customers. The result can be a tailor-made cashback program. Or an attractive lifestyle protection solution. Firmly linked to your product. Or as a special offer as part of a transaction. Either way, your product will be absolutely exceptional - so that you can become the champion in your market.

How to optimize account fees?
With a key service, for example.

You can't charge anything more for your account management? Then simply add a Locksmith service. Surprising ideas for profitable value-added services: with Mehrwerk.

Utility tariff zero attractive?
Then send your customers on vacation.

If you are an energy supplier dealing with price-sensitive customers, give them a real price advantage: with an attractive cashback solution, for example with travel or ticket providers. We'll tell you what suits you best: Mehrwerk.

Does the liability pay out too little?
Then you're liable for the fridge.

As an insurer, you are always up against tough competition. Stand out from the rest and add a relevant value-added service that is relevant to your customers. For example, a guarantee on household appliances. We actively help you with this: Mehrwerk.

Your armchair doesn't yield enough? 
Then add some extra value padding.

Retail companies have little scope to increase their profits: end customers are price-sensitive and are used to being wooed with offers. This is where an attractive value-added solution comes in. Don't sell the armchair, sell the armchair plus more. And that can be anything: for example, attractive micro-insurance for the customer's dog.

per day

Every 16 seconds in 2023, a German household used a value-added service from Mehrwerk.

+4,500 travel and vacation bookings worth 16 million euros.

What the industry experts say:
our customers

"Mehrwerk is all about innovation, individuality and standardization for added value from the customer's perspective. Despite the challenges, the collaboration was not only intensive, but also fun. You can see the great result at 'Watt mehr'."

Helge Rothard
Board representative at SPK Westholstein

To our cases

Successful with Mehrwerk:
What our customers say

"Mehrwerk and Bayerische provide insurance solutions with exciting features - two innovative companies from the SME sector that have their finger on the pulse and want to get things moving. Our experience in the insurance sector and Mehrwerk's expertise in the cashback area form a good synergy, which gave rise to plusrente in 2014."


Sophie Röhlk 
Head of Business Area Marketing at Bayrische, plusrente

To our cases

Successful collaboration at eye level:

Credit institution from northwest Germany

With zero investment to 500K commission: not an everyday business case.

Northwest German energy supplier

Cancellation rate: halved in one fell swoop. This is how added value works.

Life and pension insurer from southern Germany

Pension with benefits: 150,000 euros cashback per month.

the difference